Hello, my name is Paul, let me tell you a little story.
Right there, you’ll see a picture of my cat, whom I am extremely fond of. His name is The Golden Cat. I sometimes write poems for him, which he seems to enjoy, though I tend to pet him as I recite them to him, so it is possible that he is happy to put up with any sort of chat so long as he is getting stroked.
I make poems, stories, pictures and things. I sometimes smush two or more of those elements together to form shows and workshops, or Art Experiences, as my friend Claire, suggested, and, perhaps it’s fair to say, insisted that I call them.
I have performed and facilitated at some rather fancy-schmancy venues such as The Abbey Theatre and The National Gallery Of Ireland (no less!) but I am more than happy to do things for anyone anywhere who might enjoy what I do.
A few things to look at and read
Listen to Paul on the Don Mortell MullingArt podcast >>> click here >>>
Listen to Paul on the Don Mortell MullingArt podcast >>> click here >>>
I make all sorts of poems and stories for all sorts of people. I think that the best thing for you to do could be to just watch a couple of things, because I could be here bragging and boasting all day about how amazing I think I am, and then you could hire me to do something and not like it at all… and, believe you me, I’d feel even worse about that than you would… so… here are a couple of short videos of me performing.
The Fifty Headed Man By Paul TimoneyMe Friend Wants To Shift You by Paul Timoney
I have stories for people who like to sit and listen quite quietly, and stories for people that prefer to jump about and join in.
I have sensory stories for people who like tales which incorporate things to touch, taste, feel, smell and see… oh, and make and do too.
I have fun stories, serious stories, sad stories, happy stories, old stories, new stories, tall stories, true stories, therapeutic stories, scary stories… and sometimes I just make up stories on the spot… so we’ll call those wait-and-see-stories.
Please feel free to give a shout if you’d like to know more. 🙂
I love devising interesting Art Experiences and Projects for people of all ages and levels of experience and ability. If you visit my PROJECTS AND EVENTS section, you can see loads of my previous Collaborative Art Experiences, which include book/story making, exhibition putting-on-ing, spoken word shows, music videos… well, just one music video… but it’s very good, sculpture-making and Lord knows what else.
I often dress up and do Art-Experience-Workshop-Projects in character, so if you’d like a visit from Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Saint Kieran, Batman… or anyone or thing else that I can conceivably pretend to be, just let me know.
A really in-depth hardcore read of my Helping-People-To-Make-Stuff style philosophy
>>> click here >>>
A really in-depth hardcore read of my Helping-People-To-Make-Stuff style philosophy >>> click here >>>
Pictures and Poems for tuppence a bag… tuppence… tuppence… tuppence a bag.